Argentina Multicolor Bracelet

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Argentina Multicolor Bracelet


Categories:CODE BRACELETCountry Code Bracelet (Ver.02)
  • Seek simplicity in life! Get rid of the excess cumbersome!Form is emptiness, emptiness is form,Embody the simplicity of oneself in the tide,The promotion of the mind makes self more powerful.
  • This bracelet with great moral as a Gift for yourself,Give to guys who are growing up,the people who keep quiet in this noisy world and enhance their own.
  • READY TO GIFT: This bracelet is put in a handmade envelop and you can send it as a gift to your friend
  • Adjustable Size: Approximate Length:6.7 inch (Minimum) to 9.5 inch (Maximum),Bracelet resizable. You can adjust the size of the bracelet by holding the knots in the middle and pulling the sides of the bracelet.


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